
3 steps to install iPad screen protector

Before you bust out the screen protector to apply it, take your cleaning wipe and clean the iPad’s display so that it looks brand new with no fingerprints or dust particles. Then take your microfiber cloth and finish the process by drying the screen and getting rid of any stubborn dust particles that the cleaning wipe didn’t get.

Next, if your glass screen protector came with suction cups, you can attach them to the upward-facing side of the screen protector. Suction cups make it a little easier to apply a glass screen protector, especially since you can bend it and apply it like a plastic screen protector.

Now, slowly peel off the protective film on the underside of the screen protector and simply line up the screen protector on the iPad. From there, gently lay it down on top of the screen and press down on the screen protector in various places to work out the bigger bubbles. Use a credit card or the squeegee card that came in the box to work out smaller stubborn bubbles.

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